Available data types in PrivacyStreams


Package: io.github.privacystreams.sensor


Fields of Acceleration

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
X Float Acceleration force along the x axis (including gravity).
Y Float Acceleration force along the y axis (including gravity).
Z Float Acceleration force along the z axis (including gravity).

Providers of Acceleration

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider Acceleration.asUpdates(int sensorDelay)
Provide a live stream of sensor readings from accelerometer.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.sensor

Air pressure environment sensor.

Fields of AirPressure

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
PRESSURE Float Ambient air pressure. Unit: hPa or mbar.

Providers of AirPressure

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider AirPressure.asUpdates(int sensorDelay)
Provide a live stream of sensor readings from air pressure sensor.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.sensor

Ambient air temperature sensor.

Fields of AmbientTemperature

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
TEMPERATURE Float Ambient air temperature. Unit: °C.

Providers of AmbientTemperature

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider AmbientTemperature.asUpdates(int sensorDelay)
Provide a live stream of sensor readings from air temperature sensor.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.audio

An Audio item represents an audio, could be an audio record from microphone, an audio file from storage, etc.

Fields of Audio

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
TIMESTAMP Long The timestamp of when the Audio item was generated.
AUDIO_DATA AudioData The abstraction of audio data. The value is an AudioData instance.

Providers of Audio

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider Audio.record(long duration)
Provide an Audio item. The audio is recorded from microphone for a certain duration of time. This provider requires android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO permission.
- duration: the time duration of audio.
PStreamProvider Audio.recordPeriodic(long durationPerRecord, long interval)
Provide a live stream of Audio items. The audios are recorded from microphone periodically every certain time interval, and each Audio item is a certain duration of time long. For example, recordPeriodic(1000, 4000) will record audio from 0s-1s, 5s-6s, 10s-11s, … This provider requires android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO permission.
- durationPerRecord: the time duration of each audio record, in milliseconds.
- interval: the time interval between each two records, in milliseconds.
PStreamProvider Audio.getFromStorage()
Provide all Audio items in local file system. This provider requires android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.device

A BluetoothDevice represents a bluetooth device.

Fields of BluetoothDevice

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
NAME String The name of the scanned bluetooth device.
MAC_ADDRESS String The mac address of the scanned bluetooth device.
BONDED Boolean The boolean value indicating whether the bluetooth device is connected to the user’s phone.

Providers of BluetoothDevice

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider BluetoothDevice.getScanResults()
Get a stream of scanned bluetooth devices. This provider requires android.permission.BLUETOOTH permission and android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN permission.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.accessibility

Browser search activity.

Fields of BrowserSearch

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
TEXT String The searched text.

Providers of BrowserSearch

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider BrowserSearch.asUpdates()
Provide a live stream of BrowserSearch items. An item will be generated once the user do a search in the browser.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.accessibility

Website visiting event.

Fields of BrowserVisit

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
TITLE String The title of current webpage.
PACKAGE_NAME String The package name of the browser used to visit the webpage.
URL String The URL of the visited website.

Providers of BrowserVisit

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider BrowserVisit.asUpdates()
Provide a live stream of BrowserVisit items. An item will be generated once the user visit a website in the browser.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.calendar

The meta information for a calendar event.

Fields of CalendarEvent

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
ID String Event ID.
TITLE String Event title.
START_TIME Long Event start time.
END_TIME Long Event end time.
DURATION String Duration of the event, in RFC2445 format.
EVENT_LOCATION String Event location.

Providers of CalendarEvent

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider CalendarEvent.getAll()
Provide all CalendarEvent items from device’s calendar database. This provider requires android.permission.READ_CALENDAR permission.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.communication

The information of a phone call.

Fields of Call

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
TIMESTAMP Long The timestamp of when the phone call is happened.
CONTACT String The contact (phone number or name) of the phone call.
DURATION Long The duration of the phone call, in milliseconds.
TYPE String The type of the phone call, could be “incoming”, “outgoing” or “missed”.

Providers of Call

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider Call.getLogs()
Provide a list of Call items from the device call log. This provider requires android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG permission.
PStreamProvider Call.asUpdates()
Provide a live stream of Call items. A Call item will be generated if there is a new phone call event. This provider requires android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS permission and android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE permission.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.communication

The information of a contact.

Fields of Contact

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
ID String The contact’s unique ID in Android database.
NAME String The contact name.
PHONES List<> The phone numbers of the contact.
EMAILS List<> The emails of the contact.

Providers of Contact

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider Contact.getAll()
Provide all Contact items in device’s contacts database. This provider requires android.permission.READ_CONTACTS permission.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.device

A DeviceEvent item represents an event about the device.

Fields of DeviceEvent

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
TYPE String The type of the event, could be “screen”, “boot”, “battery”, or “ringer”.
EVENT String The event name. For screen events, could be “on”, “off”, or “user_present”; For boot events, could be “boot_completed”, or “shutdown”; For battery events, could be “low”, “okay”, “ac_connected”, or “ac_disconnected”; For ringer events, could be “silent”, “vibrate”, or “normal”.

Providers of DeviceEvent

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider DeviceEvent.asUpdates()
Provide a live stream of device events, including screen/boot/battery/ringer events.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.device

A DeviceEvent item represents a snapshot of device state.

Fields of DeviceState

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
BT_DEVICE_LIST List<> The list of currently scanned bluetooth device.
WIFI_AP_LIST List<> The list of currently scanned Wifi APs.
BATTERY_LEVEL Float The current battery level.
IS_CONNECTED Boolean Whether the current device is connected to network
WIFI_BSSID String The connected WiFi AP BSSID, could be null if the device is not connected to WiFi
IS_SCREEN_ON String Whether the screen is on

Providers of DeviceState

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider DeviceState.asUpdates(long interval, int mask)
Provide a live stream of device states, including bluetooth, wifi, battery level, and/or foreground apps etc.
- interval: the interval between each two device state snapshots
- mask: the mask of device state type, could be DeviceState.Masks.BT_DEVICE_LIST, DeviceState.Masks.WIFI_AP_LIST, etc.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.communication


Fields of Email

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
BODY String The email body.
PACKAGE_NAME String The package name of the email app.
FROM String The sender of the email
TO String The receiver of the email
SUBJECT String The subject of the email
TIMESTAMP Long The timestamp of when the message is sent or received.

Providers of Email

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider Email.asGmailHistory(long afterTime, long beforeTime, int maxNumberOfResults)
Provide a list of Email items from Gmail.
- afterTime: the minimum timestamp of emails to get
- beforeTime: the maximum timestamp of emails to get
- maxNumberOfResults: the max number of emails to get
PStreamProvider Email.asGmailUpdates(long frequency)
Provide a live stream of Emails from Gmail. Updates will be generated if there are emails sent or received per hour.
- frequency: the frequency of checking updates


Package: io.github.privacystreams.core.items

An empty item.

Fields of EmptyItem

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.

Providers of EmptyItem

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider EmptyItem.asUpdates(long interval)
Provide a live stream of EmptyItems. The interval between each two items is a given value.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.location

An Geolocation item represents a geolocation value.

Fields of Geolocation

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
TIMESTAMP Long The timestamp of the location.
LAT_LON LatLon The coordinates of the location. The value is a LatLon instance.
SPEED Float The speed at the location, in meters/second.
PROVIDER String The provider of the location data, e.g., “gps” or “network”.
ACCURACY Float The accuracy of the location data, in meters.
BEARING Float The bearing of the location data. Bearing is the horizontal direction of travel of this device, and is not related to the device orientation. It is guaranteed to be in the range (0.0, 360.0] if the device has a bearing. If this location does not have a bearing, then the bearing value will be0.0.

Providers of Geolocation

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider Geolocation.asUpdates(long interval, String level)
Provide a live stream of Geolocation as the location updates. This provider requires a location permission based on the location level. If level is Geolocation.LEVEL_EXACT, this provider requires android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission. If level is any other level, this provider requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
- interval: The interval between each two location updates.
- level: The location granularity level, could be Geolocation.LEVEL_COUNTRY, Geolocation.LEVEL_CITY, Geolocation.LEVEL_NEIGHBORHOOD, Geolocation.LEVEL_BUILDING, or Geolocation.LEVEL_EXACT.
PStreamProvider Geolocation.asLastKnown(String level)
Provide an PStream of a Geolocation item, as the last known location. If level is Geolocation.LEVEL_EXACT, this provider requires android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission. If level is any other level, this provider requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
- level: The location granularity level, could be Geolocation.LEVEL_COUNTRY, Geolocation.LEVEL_CITY, Geolocation.LEVEL_NEIGHBORHOOD, Geolocation.LEVEL_BUILDING, or Geolocation.LEVEL_EXACT.
PStreamProvider Geolocation.asCurrent(String level)
Provide an PStream of a Geolocation item, as the current location. If level is Geolocation.LEVEL_EXACT, this provider requires android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission. If level is any other level, this provider requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
- level: The location granularity level, could be Geolocation.LEVEL_COUNTRY, Geolocation.LEVEL_CITY, Geolocation.LEVEL_NEIGHBORHOOD, Geolocation.LEVEL_BUILDING, or Geolocation.LEVEL_EXACT.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.sensor

Gravity sensor.

Fields of Gravity

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
X Float Force of gravity along the x axis.
Y Float Force of gravity along the y axis.
Z Float Force of gravity along the z axis.

Providers of Gravity

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider Gravity.asUpdates(int sensorDelay)
Provide a live stream of sensor readings from gravity sensor.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.core.transformations.group

An item in a stream after grouping operation. GroupItem cannot be produced directly, instead, it can be generated using groupBy or localGroupBy operators. An GroupItem contains two initial fields:

  1. The field name is the same as the field used to group (e.g. the 1st parameter of groupBy), and the value is the field value;
  2. The field name is grouped_items, and the value is a list of the grouped items. More fields can be produced with setGroupField operators.

Fields of GroupItem

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
GROUPED_ITEMS List<> A list of the grouped items.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.sensor


Fields of Gyroscope

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
X Float Rate of rotation around the x axis.
Y Float Rate of rotation around the y axis.
Z Float Rate of rotation around the z axis.

Providers of Gyroscope

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider Gyroscope.asUpdates(int sensorDelay)
Provide a live stream of sensor readings from gyroscope.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.image

An Image item represents an image, could be an image file from storage, etc.

Fields of Image

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
DATE_ADDED Long The timestamp of when the Image item was generated.
IMAGE_DATA ImageData The abstraction of image data. The value is an ImageData instance.
BUCKET_ID Integer The id of the bucket (folder) that the image belongs to. This field is only available with getFromStorage provider.
BUCKET_NAME String The name of the bucket (folder) that the image belongs to. This field is only available with getFromStorage provider.
IMAGE_ID Integer The id of the image in Android media database. This field is only available with getFromStorage provider.
IMAGE_NAME String The name of the image. This field is only available with getFromStorage provider.
IMAGE_PATH String The file path of the image. This field is only available with getFromStorage provider.

Providers of Image

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider Image.takeFromCamera()
Provide an PStream with an Image item, which represents a photo taken from camera. This provider requires android.permission.CAMERA permission and android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.
PStreamProvider Image.getFromStorage()
Provide a stream of all Image items in local file system. This provider requires android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.core

An Item is a basic element in a stream. This class is the base class of all type of personal data items in PrivacyStream.

Fields of Item

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.sensor

Light environment sensor.

Fields of Light

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
ILLUMINANCE Float The light illuminance. Unit: lx.

Providers of Light

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider Light.asUpdates(int sensorDelay)
Provide a live stream of sensor readings from light sensor.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.sensor

Linear acceleration.

Fields of LinearAcceleration

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
X Float Acceleration force along the x axis (excluding gravity).
Y Float Acceleration force along the y axis (excluding gravity).
Z Float Acceleration force along the z axis (excluding gravity).

Providers of LinearAcceleration

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider LinearAcceleration.asUpdates(int sensorDelay)
Provide a live stream of sensor readings from linear acceleration sensor.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.communication

A text message. It could be from SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.

Fields of Message

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
CONTENT String The message content.
PACKAGE_NAME String The package name of the app where message is captured. For example, if it is a Facebook message, package_name will be “com.facebook.orca”; If it is an SMS message, package_name will be “system”.
CONTACT String The contact (phone number or name) of the message.
TIMESTAMP Long The timestamp of when the message is sent or received.
TYPE String The message type, could be “received”, “sent”, “draft”, “pending”, or “unknown”.

Providers of Message

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider Message.asUpdatesInIM()
Provide a live stream of new Message items in Instant Messenger (IM) apps, including WhatsApp and Facebook. This provider requires Accessibility service turned on.
PStreamProvider Message.asIncomingSMS()
Provide a live stream of new incoming Message items from the Android Short Message Service (SMS). This provider requires android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS permission.
PStreamProvider Message.getAllSMS()
Provide all Message items from Android Short Message Service SMS. This provider requires android.permission.READ_SMS permission.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.core.items

A mock item. The content of a MockItem is mocked from another item.

Fields of MockItem

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.notification

An Notification item represents a received notification.

Fields of Notification

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
POST_TIME Long The timestamp of when the notification was posted.
ACTION String The action associated with the notification. It could be “removed” or “posted”.
CATEGORY String The category of the notification. One of the predefined notification categories (see the CATEGORY_* constants in android.app.Notification class.) that best describes this Notification. Such as “sys”, “social”, etc.
PACKAGE_NAME String The package name of the notification.
TITLE String The title of the notification.
TEXT String The text of the notification.
SUB_TEXT String The subtext of the notification.
EXTRA Bundle The extra bundle of the notification.

Providers of Notification

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider Notification.asUpdates()
Provide a list of Notification items from Notification catch result.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.sensor

Ambient relative humidity sensor.

Fields of RelativeHumidity

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
HUMIDITY Float Ambient relative humidity. Unit: %.

Providers of RelativeHumidity

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider RelativeHumidity.asUpdates(int sensorDelay)
Provide a live stream of sensor readings from ambient relative humidity sensor.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.sensor

Rotation vector sensor.

Fields of RotationVector

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
X Float Rotation vector component along the x axis (x * sin(θ/2)).
Y Float Rotation vector component along the y axis (y * sin(θ/2)).
Z Float Rotation vector component along the z axis (z * sin(θ/2)).
SCALAR Float (Optional) Scalar component of the rotation vector ((cos(θ/2)).

Providers of RotationVector

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider RotationVector.asUpdates(int sensorDelay)
Provide a live stream of sensor readings from rotation vector sensor.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.sensor

Step counter.

Fields of StepCounter

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
STEPS Float Rotation vector component along the x axis (x * sin(θ/2)).

Providers of StepCounter

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider StepCounter.asUpdates(int sensorDelay)
Provide a live stream of sensor readings from the step counter.


Package: io.github.privacystreams.core.items

A random item for testing.

Fields of TestItem

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
ID Long The index of current item.
X Integer A random integer.
Y String A random String.
Z Double A random float number.

Providers of TestItem

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider TestItem.asUpdatesFrom(List<TestObject> testObjects, long interval)
Provide a live stream of TestItem items, which are from a given list.
- testObjects: the list of mock data
- interval: the interval between each two items, in milliseconds
PStreamProvider TestItem.asUpdates(int maxInt, double maxDouble, long interval)
Provide a live stream of TestItem items, which are randomly generated.
- maxInt: the max value of the int field of the random mock items
- maxDouble: the max value of the double field of the random mock items
- interval: the interval between each two items, in milliseconds
PStreamProvider TestItem.getAllFrom(List<TestObject> testObjects)
Provide a stream of existing TestItem items, which are from a given list.
- testObjects: the list of mock data
PStreamProvider TestItem.getAllRandom(int maxInt, double maxDouble, int count)
Provide a list of TestItem items, which are randomly generated.
- maxInt: the max value of the int field of the random mock items
- maxDouble: the max value of the double field of the random mock items
- count: the number of random items


Package: io.github.privacystreams.device

A WifiAp item represents the information of a WIFI AP.

Fields of WifiAp

Name Type Description
TIME_CREATED Long The timestamp of when this item is created. It is a general field for all items.
TIMESTAMP Long The timestamp of when the WIFI AP information is found.
SSID String The SSID.
FREQUENCY String The frequency.
RSSI String The RSSI.
CONNECTED Boolean Whether this AP is connected.

Providers of WifiAp

Type API & Description
PStreamProvider WifiAp.getScanResults()
Provide a list of WifiAp items from WIFI scan result. This provider requires android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE, and android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE permission.